Omri Golden Plotnik

Criminal Defence Lawyer

“Only when you have stood before the walls of the prison, where the barbed wire fences rend the sky, can you appreciate the weight of responsibility resting on defence lawyers. I tirelessly pursue any potential avenues of defence for my clients. No argument is too small. No issue is cast aside.”

Omri was born and raised in Manitoba and spent many years preparing to work in Criminal Defence.  He graduated from the University of Winnipeg in 2013 with a degree in Criminal Justice.  He was awarded the Gold Medal for achieving the highest academic standing in the program. He also studied International Law and the Law of Armed Conflict at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Graduating from University of Manitoba law school in 2017, Omri received numerous awards throughout law school for academic achievements.  He also clerked for the Court of Queen’s Bench, where he assisted judges prepare their decisions. He was also a supervisor at the university’s Community Law Centre, where he conducted numerous trials and dispositions as a student. 

Omri has overseen many complex and lengthy trials, as well as several appeals. He is experienced in defending against charges of murder, large-scale drug and fraud conspiracies, firearms, kidnapping, extortion and sexual offences. He has also argued many constitutional challenges, attacking the validity of the law itself.

Omri is a passionate advocate who strongly believes in the presumption of innocence, and who will vigorously defend a person charged with any type of criminal offence.


Legal Assistant 

Jennifer Bachynski


Manitoba's Criminal Defence Lawyers